Gear Guide

Taking the leap and committing to a thru-hike is a HUGE step! There are so many things to consider, but not to worry! Whether you’ve already done some research or you’re just starting out, the Wild Trajectory Gear Guide is the perfect resource to get you on your way.

Gear can be the difference between being relatively comfortable on trail…. or just plain suffering. Finding the right equipment takes a bit of self-awareness, and a lot of trial and error. Spending money on gear can be nerve wracking when you have no idea whether it will perform the way you want it to. I love talking about gear (most thru-hikers do), but honestly, try not to get too hung up on it. Even if your first pick isn’t perfect, you’ll find what works for you with time.

Simply put: you will buy a piece of gear that is not ideal and you will buy a piece of gear that breaks, but you will adapt and learn from it!

It’s really all about finding a balance that works for you! Check out my posts What to Consider When Buying (Thru)hiking Gear and  How to Budget While Thru-Hiking to learn more about different trade-offs to consider and how to save money on equipment.

How to Budget While

Here is a general packing list below, broken down into 10 functional categories for easy navigation. 

General Packing List

Click the tabs below to see common items taken on backpacking trips. Under each tab is a link that will connect you to more information, products, and reviews for that system. Click on the section you would like to view!


Here are a couple posts about gear on trail, what to consider when making purchases, and what typically goes in your pack!

What's in my pack: Slaughterhouse's Long Trail Gear List